Subconscious Mind, Strongholds, Renewing of Mind

Is Success Guaranteed by Working Harder and Smarter? The Ultimate Success Factor Is...(Part 1)

Most motivational speakers teach a set of principles that require a lot of human efforts and diligence in order to become successful. The mindset behind the teaching is that if we learn to use the right tools for life, have the right mindset to overcome challenges, and constantly do our diligence, we’ll be successful. On the same token, if we don’t learn to use the right tools for life, don’t have the right mindset to view life, and don’t constantly do our diligence, we will not see good results. This teaching sounds logical but it puts all the emphasis on us – human begins (we are not a machine). Whether we success or fail, we are to take all the credit or blame. That basically leaves God out of the equation. We humans are in charge of our own destiny. We work hard and smart, we gain success. We don’t work hard and smart, we will fail. Is that true?

How many of us have heard or seen miracles on others, or experienced miracles ourselves?  Miracle means a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency. For instance, a person gets promoted time after time just because every corner he turns, he meets a key person of influence to promote him to the next level. While his co-worker is smarter than him, has all the right tools in hand, has more experience and works harder than him hardly gets any promotion. Have you ever wondered why that happened?

I would like to tell you this my friends even it may sound strange, but based on my personal experience, it is the supernatural that plays a critical role in that person’s promotion.

I was like most of the people who spend tons of time and money on learning how to use the right tools and have the right mindset from the motivational speakers. But later I found out that having the right tools and right mindset would not always lead you to where you want to go. Applying the right tools and having the right mindset is just a start. I’m not trying to diminish the value of acquiring the right tools and having the right mindset. I value those two things – they are icing on the cake.

The problem with just using the right tools and having the right mindset was that sometimes I experienced success but sometimes I still hit the walls hard. And every time I failed I put much pressure on myself because I was supposed to see success after applying the right tools under my belt and having a perfect mindset. I asked myself if I had done something wrong, if I had not learn enough, if I had not worked hard enough, if I overlooked an opportunity – I was confused, until one day I “accidentally” tapped into the supernatural and experienced my miracles. Then I quickly learned that “It is not how much I learn, how right every decision I have to make, how many tools I need to have, how experience I am, or how hard I work, but how I can tapped into the supernatural and rely on the divine guidance for my life.”

Here’s a personal experience I’d like to share with you: I used to work seventy to one-hundred hours a week being a sole owner of a fashion business with a shop and two online shops. I had a few employees working for me but being a business owner I thought I had to work very hard in order to see very good results. You see I was just not satisfied with mediocre results. I wanted to see great results.

How many of you know that working seventy to one-hundred hours a week isn’t a healthy choice? Don’t get me wrong, my business was growing when I worked like a machine every day but after two years of doing that I was burnt out. Out of exhaustion, one Monday morning I decided to stay home and not going to work. Obviously the half day rest on Sunday wasn’t enough for my body. Out of frustration, I prayed to God to give me rest. That afternoon I was back to my shop expecting the sales would be low because I wasn’t there in the morning and it’s a Monday, but to my surprise my sales went up – that’s abnormal. My staff told me that the whole morning was so busy that there was a line of people waiting at the check-out. I didn’t pay much attention to the “miracle” happened that day. Next week I was back to my “machine” mode – I worked and worked and worked until I once again had to stay home, and again I was crying to God to relief me. That day I was not able to return to the shop until almost evening because I was so tired from crying. I got there and I was told the shop was very busy all day and the sales were just unbelievably good. Now this time, the “miracle” got my attention a little bit. So I began to ponder what that meant, and I heard a voice in my head saying, “It’s not how hard you work or how much you know but it is by my grace you receive your success.”

Wow, that was a revelation I received that day about how to become successful in what I do.

From that day on, I tested that same supernatural experience over and over again. And every time I chose to stay home and rest in God – worship, praise, seek and pray to Him. My business was flying. That is a kingdom economy – it just doesn’t make sense in the natural realm because it operates in the supernatural realm. The unseen world is governing the seen world.

Now by no mean that I’m saying that we now all can stay home and not work. I’m still a hard worker but now I set healthy boundaries regarding work and I set aside time for seeking God and His divine guidance. Because now I know that success is not guaranteed by working harder or smarter with the right mindset and a good character, but by His Spirit. 

I later applied that kingdom principle in many areas of my life and it worked supernaturally. Things started to happen in a miraculously way. This is something the motivational speakers can’t really explain. "How can you work less to have more sales? It is just not how the world’s economy works!" people argue.

But I rather apply the kingdom principles that yield good results every time than work smarter and harder to see success not 100% guaranteed. Don’t get me wrong, people who work smarter and harder will most likely see success – I was one of those people before. But success is not guarantee even you work smarter and harder. The true success guaranteed is that you are in tune with the divine source that shows what you have to do next. You are completely led by God the Creator of the universe who knows you end from the beginning. When you listen to Him, you don’t have to figure out the next step on your own. He will promote you, lead you to divine appointments, present you to the key people of influence, order your steps, close all the wrong doors for you and open all the right doors for you. The pressure is no long on you now but on Him the almighty who never fails and will not fail you. Life becomes so easy when He is in the picture, and success is not a choice but it’s a definite.

May you be in good health so as your soul prospers.   

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