Our Words Have Power

13 May 2015
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Our Words Have Power

Speak Blessings Over Yourself and Others

I'd like to start off by asking you to think that if you have said anything negative about yourselves today? How about in the past three days? How about in the past seven days? 

I talked to employees, vendors and customers from all walks of life all day long when I used to run my fashion shop. Now I still talk to people all day long working as a life coach. The very common thing I notice about our conversations is that people often talk about themselves in a negative way. They say things like, "I'm overweight since I was a child, so it's not gonna be easy for me to loose weight.", "I'm always late cause I'm driving an old car and it always gives me problems.", "My parents are dysfunctional and they'll never understand me or support my dreams.", "My child is out of control, he's just like his dad and what can I do!" , "Alcoholism runs in my family, so I'm susceptible to alcohol.", "My boss doesn't like me so we don't get along well.". The list goes on and on. Most of us are unaware of the negative things that we say to ourselves either out loud or in our head on a regular basis. And very often we find things start happen the negative way we "predict". The truth to the matter is that we're speaking word curses over ourselves instead of blessings every time we utter negative things about us. 

Do you know that our words have power? Every time we say something negative about ourselves, we reinforce the negative events that happened in our lives in the past to form the negative belief about ourselves, and our mind listens to us constantly and carefully because it's trying to fulfill what comes out of our mouth. We have a tendency to act what we say.

The negative things about us may be true in the past but it's not necessary true about us now and absolutely not true about us in the future. We're not living in the past but living in the present and moving forwards into the future, so please don't confess things that are untrue about yourselves. Be intentional about your speech to yourselves verbally and in your head. Try to catch and stop yourselves from confessing the things that you don't want happen to you.

What you give weight to is what you receive from. What you focus on is what you receive from. So focus on the things that you want instead of the things that you don't want.

Practice, practice and practice speaking blessings over yourselves on a daily basis - saying good and positive things about yourselves even you don't feel them, and you mind, soul and body will start feeling and acting who you say you are. Say things like, "I'm an overcomer and I can do all things.", "I'm beautiful and lovable.", "I can finish this assignment that my boss gave me, I'll gain wisdom and competence after it's done and I'll make it a fun project.", "My child is a good kid and I'm a good mom.", "I'll be on time and my car will not give me any trouble.", "My parents will come to their senses and they will understand and support me.", "I'm a happy person and I will not allow depression to steal one more day of my life.", "I get along well with my boss and I'll respect and smile at her when things get tough between us because I'm in control of my own emotions, not others.", "I'm gonna have a great day today. Today is a blessed day for me!".

It takes twenty-one day to form a habit, so I encourage you to start today to be intentional about what you say to yourselves and challenge yourselves to only speak blessings, say good and positive things about yourselves the next twenty-one days. Better still speak blessings, say good and positive things about others even they are not walking in those areas yet, and very soon you'll see the shift in their lives. Because you've been speaking blessings over them. For instance, you can say things like, "My son is drug free. He has total freedom from addiction." Even the son is still bound by drugs at the present, but because you take authority as a parent and declare freedom on his behalf constantly. You'll see his freedom. You'll also notice your word blessings for others will return back to you. That is the law of attraction - blessings attract blessings. Whatever we measure to others, the same will be measured to us. Apply that principle to all the areas you want to see change in your life and in others' lives.

May you be in good health so as your soul prospers.   

If you have any question, you can send me an email at: Yusan@IntentionalLifeCoaching.org


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