Removing Strongholds by the Renewing of Mind

$ 20.00

According to most recent research done by Cleveland Clinic titled Don’t believe everything you think”: “95 percent (of unconscious internal dialogues) are the same thoughts repeated every day. On average, 80 percent of those habitual thoughts are negative. Unfortunately, our brains are hardwired to pay more attention to negative experiences than to positive ones. 

Strongholds are those habitual negative, untrue, unwholesome, ungodly and unproductive thoughts in a person's mind, usually in his or her subconscious mind which cause bad results and yield bad fruits in a person's life. Strongholds are built upon error and deception. A wrong belief system about oneself, others and God. These errors and deceptions which form strongholds can come from a wide variety of sources, including our environment, those around us, our parents, or even demonic spirits. We're living in world that is full of errors and deceptions. The media is broadcasting a lot of negative, toxic and subliminal messages and images to us on a daily basic. 

Our subconscious mind does not remain idle. It can hardly stand still and it will always look out for reference that it can keep and rely on. If we fail to find something, particular a goal to impress our subconscious, it will randomly pick up just any thought that enters in it regardless good or bad because our subconscious mind does not have the ability to differentiate good or evil, reality or fantasy, true or false.

“Renewing of mind” is an ongoing process of removing the negative thought patterns from our subconscious mind that control our behaviors. It is allowing the truth of God that is written on the Bible to shape our thinking and remove the strongholds from our mind.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2

There are many common strongholds such as Pride, Greed, Fear, Addition, Adultery, Unbelief, Abuse, Hatred, Idolatry, Jealousy, just to name a few.    

Come join our seminar to learn more about how you can remove strongholds in your mind by the renewing your mind.


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